Tips & Tricks 1 - Error while inserting pdf in Catia V5 new

When pdf is inserted in Catia V5 drafting workbench black box appears as shown below.

Initially How to insert pdf in Catia V5 drafting workbench is as mentioned below.

Insert---Object---Create New---Adobe Acrobat document---Select the document to insert.

Even many times the pdf image appears OK in Catia V5 immediately when inserted, but after saving the particular file and reopening the same black box appears as shown above.

Below mentioned is the solution to overcome this problem.

Solution:-To overcome this problem we need follow the following steps mentioned below

1) Go to Start---Run and type Regedit, the window for Registry Editor will appear as shown below.

2) In the Registry editor window go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE---Microsoft---Ole and add a new registry key as shown below i.e. Maximum Allowed Allocation Size

3) To modify the DWORD value we need to right click Maximum Allowed Allocation Size which is created and than the Edit DWORD Value dialog box appears as shown above enter the value as shown.
4) After doing the above mentioned Steps Restart the machine and insert the pdf again as per steps mentioned above you can see that the inserted pdf appears OK, even if the drawing is saved and reopened again.
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