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1) Which of the following tools gives the result as shown in sketch below?

a) b)
c) d)

2) Using which tool you can visualize the Construction elements of Sketcher workbench in Part Design workbench. Refer below figure:


a) b)
c) d)

3) How can you create a negative body as shown in below figure?

A) Using Insert > Negative Body option.
B) By Subtracting One Body from another.
C) By creating first feature in the body as a material-removing feature.
D) By changing the properties.

4) Which icon is used to create a geometry with the History mode deactivated, which means that for each created element there are no links to the other entities that were used to create that element?





5) What is customization in CATIA

A) Automate Design Best Practice
B) Changing the internal architecture of CATIA
C) Both a & b
D) None


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