Technical Tip : Solving Terra Vista ECW Error
Some Terra Vista users have encountered this error message:
ECW compression error (Warning : 5/17/2012 12:26:35 PM Couldn’t find the Texture Compressor ecw_compress_free.exe registry key)

If you uninstall a previous version of Terra Vista and install a later version, there is a chance that you can “un-hook” the ECW convertor. To correct this, uninstall all versions of Terra Vista and delete all of the folders created when you installed.
Uninstall all versions of Terra Vista.

Delete the Terra Vista folder(s) located in C:\Presagis (by default it is in C:\Presagis)

Also navigate and delete your user profile under your Presagis Application Data Folder. This is located on Windows 7 here: C:\Users\<computername>\AppData\Roaming\Presagis.

Once these folders are deleted, install Terra Vista.