IDEAS TO CATIA V5 Conversion


Part Number must be unique; all parts with the same name are considered as identical

Direct mode

The MULTICAx ID Plug-in allows users to import IDI data generated from IDEAS native data (part and assembly models). This import converts IDI part geometry into the CATIA Graphical Representation (CGR) or CATPart formats, which renders it readable by V5. The MULTICAx ID Plug-in imports IDI assembly files into a V5 product structure document.

Users can perform this import interactively.

The assembly import converts the I-DEAS assembly hierarchy into product structure, along with the proper positions. Attributes of the assembly like hierarchy, positions, and fmcolors of the geometry are addressed in assembly import.

Protocols and attributes

For conversions, the following protocols or attributes apply:

  • Length units for both parts and assemblies are converted to millimeters.
  • Pure wire frame data is not supported during the conversion.
  • Text and annotations of 3D data are not supported.

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